Artichoke Frittata

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If you’re having a busy week, no need to drive threw those tasteless burger places for dinner, you know which ones I’m talking about! Why not go home and whip up a frittata?

Frittata’s are quick and easy to make, you can put just about anything you want in them, and it’s a great way to use up some leftover veggies or meats.

Great for a light dinner or a fancy brunch, frittata’s are pure comfort food for me and the Hubby!

In this recipe all I used was 1 bag of frozen artichokes, ( I’m putting in another plug for Trader Joes, they have the best frozen artichokes, I can’t live without them!) which I quickly defrosted in my microwave. While it was defrosting I turned my broiler on, took out my saute pan quickly drizzled it with olive oil, sauteed some green onion, diced red pepper, and thinly shaved garlic. I also tossed in the artichokes (which were gently squeezed of any water) just to flavor them up.
After they were sauteed in the olive oil a little, I took them them back out of the pan, and set aside.
In the meantime beat some eggs with a little milk, add a generous amount of grated romano cheese, salt, pepper and whatever herbs you want, if any.
Pour egg mixture into the pan, now arrange your artichokes cut side up around the frittata, and slowly let the eggs set, about 10 min’s. When set, sprinkle top with more grated cheese and stick the whole thing under the broiler till golden brown. Garnish with fresh parsley and more cheese if you want.

After it cools off a little I think the flavors really come out, with every bite you’ll taste the cheese, and that hint of the shaved garlic, and lets not forget the star of this dish, the artichokes!
Have a good weekend and Buon Appetito!!

Sharing is caring!

Italian Sauces My Way E-Book


  1. Oh man this looks good. I haven’t tried artichokes in a frittata and know I’d die over this combo. YUM!

  2. I love eggs and artichokes! So why not a scrumptious frittata.

  3. Frittata are great aren’t they! I don’t eat eggs for dinner enough. I just love it. Too bad my kids and husband wouldn’t eat them.

  4. Hey, you stole my recipe. Just Kidding! My husband works at LPD with Frank and he was raving about the fabulous food that you made for them. The skewers at the end of this page look really yummy (along with everything else)! Keep on Cookin’!

  5. I love a good frittata and this looks like it has really great flavors!


  6. I love frittatas, but have never tried any with artichokes. Looks so good!

  7. Oh my gosh.. that is gorgeous! I love frittata’s but have never made them with artichokes.. I love your recipe Marie!! Ciao and a huge hug to you..

  8. that looks delicious!! great pics!

  9. Oooh yum. Have never put artichokes in a frittata but this looks delicious. Sometimes I sprinkle breadcrumbs/panko on top before broiling…

  10. Ditto on the no need to go drive-through for a tasteless hamburger. Ugh! I wonder how people can still eat that way–surely they must know the load of cr** that’s in those fast meals!

    I ♥ artichokes! They’re good for you, and works in all sorts of recipes. Yummy post Marie!

  11. I love artichokes and I love frittata’s. I’ve been craving artichokes with the autumn air coming in!!

  12. nice. we love frittate! did you serve it with any kind of sauce? i’m guessing something along the lines of a salsa verde would be delicious, but a sprinkle of good salt and first-class extra virgin olive oil would be great too!

  13. I’m always inspired here too. Yours looks fresh and colourful.

    PS I’m getting a springform pan on Thursday!

    PPS Now, I’ve got to ‘google’ broiler. Sorry to sound dumb, but do you cook on AND under it?

  14. I’ve been making two vegetarian meals a week, so this is perfect timing.

    I have my own chickens, so we have plenty of eggs on hand for this one.
    I love Trader Joe’s too!

  15. This looks yummy! I’m afraid I could belly up and eat the whole thing.
    I am saving this recipe!

  16. I am always inspired here Marie! Your dish looks incredible. I can’t wait to make it!

  17. perfect fast food Marie:) Love fritatta, very difficult to get artichokes here though:(

  18. Thanks for the tip about trader Joe’s frozen artichokes. I’ll be sure to get some the next time I’m there. You’re frittata looks yummy.

  19. I’m back again — I just wanted to let you know that I left you a little award, which you can see on my blog. You already have it, so it’s really just a little way of letting you know that I love your blog!

  20. I always love how easy but elegant a frittata can be. I love the whip them up on Christmas morning for everyone to snack on while we play. I think this one would be all mine with the artichokes though, I absolutely love them! Looks delicious.

  21. I love artichokes, Marie, and this frittata is just my cup of tea! Nice presentation, too.

  22. Pure comfort food…love the pace of preparation Marie. Everything falls into place so beautifully & full of flavour. Shaved garlic makes it sound exotic…LOL! Love it!

  23. Hey Proud Italian Cook! The frittata looks amazing. As always, your site looks scrumptious. There’s a new website called You should check it out; It’s going to serve up tips and tricks on all things culinary. Tell your friends about it!!


  24. You always make the most impressive dishes, Marie. And I love artichokes. Wish I had a Trader Joes where I live.

  25. I use those TJ frozen artichokes in EVERYTHING. They are such a wonder. I also love frittatas for dinner. This looked lovely.

  26. i hate that i had to recently throw away an entire uncut artichoke from Whole Paycheck! wah wah.. your frittata is def. something I could have concocted with it! 🙂 Great great looking ‘tata! PS: adding you to my blogroll…

  27. This is such a great dish for any time of day.

  28. I just found your blog and I am so glad that I did! Gosh, one of your creations just looks better than the next — I hardly know where to click first!! These frittatas look amazing — I will definitely be trying these. I love your conversational writing style; it makes me feel like I am back in the kitchen with my own Italian grandmother, with her just chatting casually about what she’s doing. I love it! So glad I found you; I’ll be checking back often!

  29. Hi Marie

    My husband makes the best frittatas! Our favorite is made with leftover spaghetti with ricotta sauce.
    I will look for frozen artichokes at Trader Joes now that I know from you that they are so good –thanks!

    Hugs, Pat

  30. I read the title of the posting and I thought, “WTF”…but you never fail…you pulled a rabbit out of the hat and made this easy on the eye and tasty.

  31. This looks and sounds yummy Marie, I love Artichokes and we love Trader Joes!!., will try your version for sure, Kathy

  32. I also haven’t ever used frozen artichokes! I’m about to go to the store and I think I’ll see if my store has them. I love fritattas, and this sounds just wonderful.

  33. At the risk of sounding like a commercial for Trader Joe’s- I agree. I use the frozen artichokes in my favorite quiche – artichoke and cambozola. I find some other kinds tough. These are really good. Love your frittata Marie and especially like that first photo; the pan and the background…

  34. I love frittatas and I love artichokes, I just wish my grocery store had them frozen! This looks delicious!

  35. WOuld you believe I have never used frozen artichokes? I’ve used fresh and canned but never frozen. And they look terrific in this fritatta, which is one of my all-time favorite foods!

  36. Frittas are one of my son’s favourites. It used to be the only way to get him to eat veggies when he was a toddler! This looks wonderful.

  37. It looks beautiful! I love to make a nice frittata on a busy night. So many possibilities!

  38. I love frittatas, and I have yet to try artichokes .. looks delish!

  39. Your frittata looks great, I also love the artichoke hearts from trader joes!

  40. You know really I love artichokes!!!! alot! So I find this absolutely delicious!!look wonderful ! xxGloria

  41. I made a frittata a couple years ago, and it was a horrible recipe with way to many eggs. It almost wrecked my saute pan, and was just a mess to eat. I need to try to make one again, though. And I love those artichokes from TJs… I have some in my freezer right now!

  42. I love frittatas, something different for breakfast other than the same old boring ham and eggs. Sometimes I mix it up with potatoes or other ingredients, but still good. Yours looks awesome, throw on some coffee, we’ll stop by.

  43. To date, I still haven’t made a frittata. It sounds like just the thing I should add to my weekly routine–it sounds delicious!

  44. Marie,
    I just woke, I am hungry for eggs, I want some of this gorgeous frittata! I made 2 quiches this week! Great minds think alike.
    I love carcioffi (artichokes…..).


  45. Can’t tell you how many times we whip up a frittata for dinner!We just put any leftover vegetables in, just like you say. That bread looks makes the meal, doesn’t it?
    Thanks for a nice happy birthday comment for my mom, Marie.
    Hope all is well there!
    Maryann xox

  46. Just love, love, love frittata’s and any type will do! This artichoke frittata looks might good right about now, this early Saturday morning! 😉

    I’m also reminded here that I must make a trip to TJ’s!

  47. Oh this so reminds me of my Nonna. We made artichoke omelets everytime she came to visit. Almost the same as the frittati, but not quite, lol. My mom makes them now. I really should blog them, hmmm. Anyway, this reminds me of the omelet. She cooks up fresh artichokes in olive oil, then adds the eggs. It is to die for. Thanks for posting this, made me realize I need to get my Mom in the kitchen so I can learn to make it too.

  48. I love artichokes and will most definitely make this soon!!!

  49. Oh yeah, this is my kind of meal! I love frittata’s, and it’s been way too long since I had one. Your recipe with the artichokes and shaved garlic sounds so good. I’ll have to make a Trader Joe’s run and get some frozen artichokes. In the meantime, save some of this for me! YUM!

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