Italian Sauces, My Way – The E-Book!

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I always had a passion for cooking. I remember way back to my high school days in public speaking class when our first assignment was to give a live presentation on something that excited us: the topic I chose was, “How to Make an Italian Salad.” It turned out to be a big winner, I fed the whole class and got an “A”!Fast forward as a young bride where my skills in the kitchen didn’t always produce such flawless results, like the time I almost landed my dear husband in the hospital due to my lack of cooking talents.  Ahem.

When I became a new mother, convenience foods were all the rage and quite often Hamburger Helper would be served on my dinner table, but deep down inside I was determined not to feed my family from a box, instead I honed in on the recipes of my past, recreating those smells in the kitchen that were near and dear to my heart, the ones that I wanted to share with my kids, the ones that continue to link generations to one another no matter how much time has passed.

I wrote this book on Italian Sauces because to me they have always been the foundation for so many memorable meals. I encourage you to use this book as inspiration, a guide or reference book to help you showcase your own special food traditions!Italian Sauce Recipes E-book

The recipes I’ve included are not complicated or fussy, they’re user friendly plus you can have the confidence that they’ve been tried and tested over the years to make sure they came out just right!  I like to say I worked out all the kinks for you.  I also took into consideration the very busy lifestyles of today by creating shortcuts for those who want a quick homemade dinner instead of take out during the week, using fresh ingredients and things you have on hand.

Italian Sauce Recipes

When time is not an issue and you crave that slow cooked meal, I’ve given you personal family favorites, traditions from my home, because honestly, nothing beats a huge pot of sauce simmering on the stove all day, the smells enticing you with anticipation of the meal ahead.

Italian Sauces Ebook

This book, a collection of some of my favorite sauces as well as some of the dishes you’ll be using them with, will provide you with all that you need for creating a special dinner for guests, a romantic meal for two as well as the ultimate comfort meal for one, whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned cook.

Italian Sauces My Way Ebook

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The kitchen is the heart of the home. Take these recipes and put your own twist on them, you can never go wrong! Cooking is about having fun in the kitchen, getting creative, making memories and sharing with those you love. I hope you enjoy Italian Sauces My Way!

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Italian Sauces My Way E-Book


  1. Paul Oliver says

    Love Both shrimp and Brocolini and the combination sounds wonderful. Just made pesto sauce with our fresh garden basil and parsely that we froze and added a pound of shrimp over ziti. Tip: to preserve fresh herbs and have them on hand, we use our high speed blender, and combine the parsley, basil, romano cheese and enough olive oil to make a paste and pour into an ice cube tray when solid we break them out and place the individual cubes into the freezer in a zip lock bag. this way we have fresh pesto all winter for sauces, meatballs, anything just take out a cube or two and add to the recepie. can’t beat the fresh taste all winter.

    I am a tradionalist Love my linguine with white baby clam sauce.

  2. Congratulations! Your blog is my go to site for inspiration when I feel stuck for ideas.

  3. CAROLE GRAY says



  4. Marie: Love the recipes in your e book.
    Can’t wait to get cooking in my kitchen.

    Any of your recipes that I have tried have
    always been delicious and a big hit with my

    Congratulations and hope that you have sold many e books.


  5. Every time I see “Proud Italian Cook” in my email inbox my spirits rise. I know that I am in for a luscious treat. Marie is not just an astonishingly gifted cook, but a generous one as well. She holds nothing back, but shares the very best of her world class recipes—recipes that are destined to become treasured family recipes all over the country. In a way, Marie is everybody’s favorite sister, aunt and mother, spreading the joy of cooking and eating well together, creating good times and great memories. I’m glad I discovered her. I bought her wonderful ebook, forward her emails to friends and family members and collect her recipes. Did I mention that I cook them too? Fabulous! Happy anniversary, Marie. Many more, please!

  6. Maryellen says

    This was the most delicious meal!! The meatballs were a huge hit (made with turkey and filled with mozzarella) and the sauce was DIVINE!! I served it over a small portion of bowties for the kids. Thank you for sharing your gift with us–I am looking forward to making all the sauces in your cookbook.

  7. Gwen Randazzo says

    Love love my ebook

  8. What a delight to open your post and see the great accomplishment you have put forth. So happy for you, and always get inspired from your photos – these are truly lovely! Can’t wait to read more of the e-book and taste the great results of the cooking. Take care!


  9. Congrats Marie! Your e book is fabulous, my husband even looked through it. I’ve been following your blog for a while and just love your style of cooking – simple and scrumptious! I also live in the western burbs so I’m able to shop for some of your recommendations. Would love to meet you some day!

  10. I’ve been waiting for this! You are destined for some serious success with your e-book. There is a lot out here in the blogosphere, Marie. I know because I read it. Your work is superior. Your recipes are well tested, clearly written and delicious. Readers can make your food and be confident of success. There will be a lot of happy families out there!

  11. P.S. Tweeted to all my followers. 🙂

  12. Dear Marie – I could not be more excited for you! Congrats on the release of your book! YOUR BOOK. Sounds so cool! I’m sure it’s fabulous, can’t wait to read it and cook YOUR WAY.
    Your friend,

  13. Liz Stockham says

    Marie, Thank you so much for sharing a piece of your families history through this wonderful e-book! I was so excited this morning when I opened my email and had the invitation to order your book. I have been following your blog for years and have used many of your recipes in my home with fabulous results. I feel like you are a friend sharing recipes with me….you just don’t know me yet!! HA! Thanks again for this wonderful e-book.

  14. Is the one that is NOT for Kindle usable on the Nook? I really can’t wait to try these sauces, so I hope that answer is yes. (BTW, your Chicken with Fennel & Olives has received rave reviews from everyone that I have fed it to over the past year. Thank you again for sharing it.)

  15. Congratulations, Marie! I’m so proud of you. I’m going to download the kindle version so that I can have this on my iPad. I’ve always wanted to make Sunday gravy, and your version will be the one that I try. I’m always happy to support a food blogger, and you know I’ve followed you for a few years now. Great job!

  16. What a perfect compilation of sauces, Marie – you’ve covered it all!

  17. I paid via paypal…… do I download the book?

  18. Such exciting news to share your passion Marie. Congratulations!!!!

  19. Any chance you’ll be selling this for the “nook”?

  20. I love your Italian sauces e-book, Marie! I can’t wait to try many of them, especially the vodka cream, bechamel, and roasted red pepper sauces! I know anyone who downloads this book will not be disappointed and will be hoping for many more e-books coming our of your kitchen, filled with all your wonderful recipes, in the years to come!

  21. Nook, please? I vastly prefer my Nook to my Kindle on my iPad. My kids all need copies — all six of them. Your recipes are the greatest!

  22. This is so exciting! I’m going to go purchase my own copy right now. 🙂

  23. Marie:
    Just downloaded your book, and my mouth is watering!!! Can’t wait to get started on some of these sauces. I don’t work this week-end, so I’m going to be hiding away in my kitchen making wonderful sauces. Brava, Marie!

  24. Finally! All that wonderfulness in one location. Fabulous!!!!

  25. Downloading my copy as I type this! Congratulations!

  26. Congratulations friend. I’ve seen the book and I want to let your readers know it is terrific and will be a great reference for them whenever they’re making almost any kind of Italian dish. Brava Marie. You reached for it – and it is yours! And you deserve all the success that comes your way.

  27. What an incredible accomplishment for you to share your incredible expertise in the ‘cucina’ and specialty of Italian cooking through the launch of your e-cookbook. I am so excited for you and simply cannot wait to read your fabulous recipes that you have inspired and shared with us throughout the years of your fabulous blog.

    Buona fortuna cara bella amica Marie! I am so proud and happy for you!

    Baci e’ amore,

  28. I wish you all good things with this grand, saucy endeavor of yours. I smiled at “neck bones.” One of the best family stories I have is buying neck bones with the Gresio sisters!

  29. Karen Schlueter-Morland says

    Pick me Pick me:-) We just returned from a two stay in Italy. Such fun and I even had the opportunity to attend a cooking Class in Italian but translated in English. I’d love this book:-)

  30. Congratulations, Marie! Wishing you all the best. You are indeed an inspiration. I love how everything you make is so colorful and fresh. Reading you always makes me want to run to the kitchen and make something . . . and I often have. Your roasted vegetable tortes have become one of my favorites. Pretty and practical. Can’t wait to try all your sauces.

  31. I am so excited about your book. I just said to my husband this week that we need a delicious Marinara sauce and I just found it in your book…Thank you from a fellow Chicagoan

  32. oh my! they all sound mouthwatering

  33. Best of luck with this!

  34. I am so thrilled for you, Marie, your recipes and food styling are just amazing. Continued success, and tasting some of your fabulous food in Chicago is on my bucket list! 😉 xo

  35. Love this! You are definately my go to girl for a fabulously tasty and easy dinner!!! Already downloaded my e-book. Congratulations !!

  36. Congrats, my friend, it’s about time!!! Love all your recipes. I am a true fan.

  37. Sue Funcke says

    Congratulations on the ebook, a great achievement. Your family must be so proud of you.

  38. Ahhh!! Neck Bones and Gravy!! Love, love, love!! Congratulations!!


  1. […] friend, Marie, at PROUD ITALIAN COOK,  recently wrote an ebook of her family’s favorite Italian Sauces.   We love every recipe we […]

  2. […] wouldn’t be complete without a bowl for the picked over bones. You can get my family recipe here, but warning, you might need to wear a […]

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