Decisions, Decisions!

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I can’t believe it’s Thursday already and a week from today is Thanksgiving! This year just flew by to me. I’m usually very organized with my menu, but this year not so much. Oh course we’ll have the usual, turkey, gravy, stuffing balls, streusel topped sweet potatoes, garlic mashed, green bean casserole  (nothing coming from a can), corn casserole ( because my brother likes it), roasted parmesan creamed onions, cranberries and rolls.
We love to munch on a nice antipasto and pop open some good wine for starters.
It wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without watching The Godfather marathon some time during the day, in fact I like to have it on in the kitchen while I’m cooking. What happened to Al Pacino? He use to be so handsome, especially in Part 2!
I was thinking of adding this salad for a change, it’s really good, it has roasted acorn squash on top of leafy greens, medjool dates, red onion, whole pecans and goat cheese tossed in a vinaigrette. It looks really pretty set out on a platter.
Here is where my problem is, I can’t decide what kind of pasta dish I’m going to make this year. In our house we always have some kind of pasta dish included in our Thanksgiving meal, it’s tradition!
Butternut squash lasagne goes so well with the whole meal, but I’m thinking, maybe it’s too heavy!
But then I tell everyone to bring containers for leftovers anyway, so they can bring some home in their little care packages and have it the next day, which is just as good.
Or should I just make butternut squash gnocchi? It was a big hit last year. I have a huge squash on my counter right now in case I decide to go for it.
I also have a huge container of ricotta in my fridge, maybe Ill make ricotta gnocchi! Stuffed shells? Manicotti?  I’ll figure it out, I cook good under pressure!

Wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving, I’ll see you after!

Sharing is caring!

Italian Sauces My Way E-Book


  1. Your food looks everytime so delicious!!! I read your blog very often and I think you have every reason to be proud italian cook.
    – Kirsi, Finland

  2. Everything looks absolutely delicious!

  3. Oh my Marie! I couldn’t make a decision between the two pasta dishes either . . . so in that case, I’d just make both! And go without any food in my mouth the next day! Both are superb recipes from an outstanding Italian cook! Happy Thanksgiving with your loved ones; I am very thankful for our friendship!


  4. It’s Tuesday before Thanksgiving and I am just giving it a think. Uh oh. All looks so good. Wondering about a train ticket to Chicago. Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. What a food! I’d so like to have Thanksgiving with you 🙂

  6. Yep, Thanksgiving snuck up on me, too! I love the idea of a butternut squash lasagna. I doubt I’d convince my family to make it for the event, but I’m going to try it myself when I get back home!

  7. Marie these all look amazing. What nice touches to the same ol’ turkey dinner. Italian style always includes pasta at our house too. And a nece antipasto!

  8. Decisions, decisions indeed and only you my friend could give us such an amazing array of choices.

    Hope you are well. Miss visiting your blog.

  9. What ever you decide on, it will be a memorable meal. I think I might choose the butternut gnocchi.

  10. I would love to be sitting at your table on Thanksgiving Day, Marie. Your menu sounds scrumptious. Have you posted your recipe for stuffing balls? I’m off to search for it.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  11. Well all I can say is that…I’m coming to your house for Thanksgiving!! I’m hopping a plane and just showing up with my “to go” container! LOL

    It all sounds amazing Marie!

  12. I’m thinking your roasted acorn squash salad would be amazing for thanksgiving! I’m putting this on my menu!

  13. I’m going to srand in line with all the people who want to come to your house for Thanksgiving dinner, Marie! 🙂

    Have a wonderful celebration and another year full of blessings to be thankful for!

  14. Something happened to my first comment, an error code I never saw before. Just said I’d bring all containers. Lucky folks to be related to you or a good friend of yours. Leftovers will be great all weekend long. Happy Thanksgiving, Marie! xo

  15. type it in the search link on my blog Christine on the right side, the recipe will come up.

  16. OH MY! Could you provide the recipe for those parm creamed onions??

  17. I’ll bring a whole bee sting cake, if I could just have a place setting ready for me at your table. Wouldn’t I love to be a fly on the wall at your house? Happy Thanksgiving!

  18. I’m partial to gnocchi myself.

    I’m sure whatever your make your family will be very happy and well fed!

  19. Marie I wish I was one of your family members!!! Everything and I do mean everything looks delicious. 🙂

  20. WOW!!! It all looks awesome to me, have a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoy your family

  21. Marie – I wouldn’t be able to decide either – they all look fabulous. I have been trying to decide whether to make squash ravioli or lasagna. But maybe I’ll just come to your house instead.

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