Roasted Veggie Pasta for a Crowd

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This is a nice choice for a buffet, a colorful combination of roasted veggies tossed with hearty rigatoni,  pasta. The best thing is everything can be prepped the day before including the pasta, and assembled the day of your party.
Bring everything to room temperature, mix it all together and warm it slightly in a low oven, it doesn’t have to be pipping hot at all!
The more colors the better, and the more the merrier with the veggies! I used red, yellow and orange peppers, cauliflower, eggplant, artichokes, green beans, onions, peas, cherry tomatoes and sliced garlic all roasted separately, according to their kind on baking sheets in a 425 degree oven drizzled with generous amounts of olive oil, salt and pepper.
I like to roast my cherry tomatoes along with sliced garlic and plenty of olive oil on top of foil so the juicy oil gathers together and doesn’t burn off on the baking sheet, that way you can toss that wonderful juice all in the mix as well.
Of course you’ll want to add handfuls of grated romano cheese, more olive oil, fresh basil and parsley to finish it off, tasting along the way to get the flavors just right!
I get requests to make this all the time for parties, it’s a welcome addition to a red sauced baked pasta, and it looks pretty too!
Buon Appetito!

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Italian Sauces My Way E-Book


  1. If I do this a day ahead .. do you mix the pasta and the veggies the day before and if not how do you store the cooked pasta. Do you store with some of the pasta water. Going to do this for a crowd of about 60 people!

  2. I would love to make this for a weekend rehearsal dinner, but I don’t see a recipe? Sorry to be dense.

    • Suzanne, I’m sorry I couldn’t give you more exact recipe but I would suggest to boil your pasta according to how many you will need this for, either a side or main dish, then roast all your different veggies according to what you like, then toss them all together and taste as you go with grated cheese, fresh parsley, basil, salt and pepper. Hope this helps!

  3. this is screaming my name right now….and it’s only 8:00 am. Pasta for breakfast sounds good to me.

  4. You are the best on the web. Thanks for all the really good recipes!

  5. Very pretty!

  6. You pasta looks so good…your photos are incredible.

  7. Oh my – I made something very, very similar (with rigatoni) and was going to post it next week. Great minds think alike! Your vegetables just come alive with flavor – who needs meat?

  8. This is one of those things I like to do when it’s winter and the veggies you get at the market aren’t as good as they could be. Roast them up so they taste better and toss them with pasta. This is great for a buffet, but it was also a favorite idea of mine when I would go on week-long business trips and needed something my husband could easily heat and eat while I was gone. It assured me he was eating his vegetables! 🙂

  9. I love all those colors! And, I love the idea of roasting all the vegetables in advance. This is great for a crowd.

  10. Love it! I make this all the time for parties, sometimes I add a splash of balsamic and a sprinkling of oregano from the garden. So yummy!! Love your blog, I look for new post daily 🙂

  11. Fantastic, good option for bring some food the the local football team

  12. I love you for this! I also have a large Italian family and my daughter’s 14th birthday is this weekend. I was just pondering what I should make because beng fresh off the holidays they’ve eaten most of my recipes! This will be new and tasty and I can avoid the kitchen the day of the party by doing it all ahead! THANK YOU!!

  13. I just had a food orgasm looking at this ! Can’t wait to make it ! 🙂

  14. Your recipes are always like a warm hug. Even meateaters would go nuts for this one.

  15. Love, love, love roasted vegetables especially with garlic and olive oil, then topped with Romano. And all of that on top of rigatonie–yum! Growing up, Romano was the only cheese my parents served with our Italian dishes. When I finally tasted Parmesan, it tasted so bland to me compared to Romano!

  16. I love to do this, especially in the summer when I can grill all the vegetables and get a nice char.

  17. I love pasta with veggies. This looks great. xo

  18. Love this!

  19. Pasta primavera is my fave. I make roasted pasta primavera and I forgot about this recipe. I will make it this weekend!

  20. I do have a crowd coming on Saturday! This looks like a great addition to our menu. So bright and cheery when its kind of grey outside.


  1. […] roasted veggie pasta just came on my radar this week (thanks, Pinterest), and I can’t wait to try […]

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