Paccheri Pasta and Some Party Ideas

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This is the perfect side dish to all your grilling, individual little bundles of cooked Paccheri pasta stuffed with roasted vegetables, cheese and sun dried tomatoes. Tastes best when served at room temperature with a fresh herb, lemon, olive oil and parmesan dressing drizzled all over the top, great to bring to a party or picnic!
Equally as good is the caprese version using sliced tomato, fresh mozzarella and basil all tucked inside with an olive oil and balsamic glaze drizzled all over the top!

Paccheri pasta are large hollow tubes shaped similar to rigatoni only bigger and wider.

I roasted planks of zucchini and eggplant and then tucked in some asiago cheese and a sun dried tomato for mine.

Just cook the pasta according to the package, let it cool, then stuff them with whatever inspires you!

I had some leftover cooked pasta so I decided to stuff the remaining ones using a zip lock bag filled with spinach, ricotta, lots of grated cheese and an egg. Fill them and stand them straight up, side by side until you fill the pan, adding sauce on top and in between.

I have several mini spring form pans which I love to use and often do for an individual take on this dish.

Olive oil and brush with sauce the bottom and sides of your mini spring form pan, I have a 4″ pan. I’m sure you could use a larger one if you wanted to, but I think the smaller ones are cuter and they come out looking like a little flower!

And here’s something for dessert that will surely have your guests talking! Vodka infused whipped cream! It comes in many different flavors, we had the chocolate and vanilla. It works just like traditional whipped cream, but only for grown ups!

My daughter brought this over on the fourth of July, it was quite a hit!

Extremely good with strawberries or grilled fruits of any kind, top off your cup of coffee with it, or squirt some on a piece of pie. Use your imagination and enjoy!

Buon Appetito!

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Italian Sauces My Way E-Book


  1. Hmmm this recipe looks so delicious and nice and i think that fits perfect with my taste and in my opinion is a very easy recipe, so i think i will try it. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Those stuffed paccheri pasta bites look delicious, Marie, as does that wonderful salad with the grilled peach on top. And did you say vodka-infused whipped cream? What a decadent treat!

  3. Just discovered your blog and absolutely love it! Wonderful recipes and memories-I spent many years living on N. Dearborn and in Lincoln Park. Sooo many wonderful restaurants, neighborhood shops-I sure miss it. Took my 16 year old daughter last Summer-she loved it too! Thank you!

  4. Wow, those are so beautiful and colorful!! I cant wait to showoff with this dish 🙂

  5. Love the flower and its filling. I’ll keep an eye out for this pasta for sure.
    And that whipped cream sounds dangerous. Ha!

  6. I’ve been following your blog now for a few months and look forward to every new posting! All your dishes have me practically drooling, and I’ve even successfully made a few of your creations. I love the spinach/cheese-filled “flowers” here and definitely anticipate them being on my home menu in the near future. Thank you!

  7. Squirt some directly into your mouth perhaps? Not that I would ever do that…

    Love your little paccheri bundles baked together. Pretty and fun!

  8. I just love the idea of pasta in a mini spring form pan! You are so creative!

  9. I love both of the pasta ideas…specially the individual baked ones. Vodka whipped cream?? that’s interesting.

  10. I just got back a week ago from a month’s holiday in Italy and my mouth is watering. I need to cook an Italian meal so I’ll be back to check out your recipes very soon.

  11. I am going to try your first roast vegetable one for the cast party. The kids eat healthier and healthier and whenever I bring something with Italian cheese or vegetables – they gobble it up. A wonderful imaginative use of mini springforms. And I do love whipped cream for adults! Grandma always laced her whipped cream with a little liquor or liqueur…

  12. Hello, I’m new to your blog and just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy it. Your photos are beautiful. I love the stuffed pasta…I’ll be serving that to our next dinner guests.

  13. You had me on the pasta. But the whipped cream was the clincher!

  14. I have a bag of dried pasta from Italy in the pantry, similarly shaped (perhaps larger). It’s been sitting there because I didn’t want to make something heavy – stuffed with cheeses and baked. I like the idea of roasted veggies. Thanks!

  15. Hi Marie! I could use some of those booze-infused whipped creams for a new tastie treat for my new blog:

    I made your cucidati as the first recipe for this booze-infused-themed baking blog.

    Again, you continue to be an inspiration to me as a cook and now as a baker.

    We’d be honored if you wandered over to our blog sometime! :)))

  16. Little pasta cake-thingies?!?! Amazing. I think you just reinvented lasagna. MEGA Kudos! ^_^

  17. great idea Marie!Thanks for sharing…

  18. FABulous! I love both your “standing” paccheri and the individual bundles. I’m definitely buying some next time I’m in my favorite Italian deli.

  19. With over 600 pasta shapes this is a new one for me!!Sounds delish bith ways.

  20. Love the pasta tubes! Another great idea of what to do with zucchini!

  21. First timer on your blog and bham!Immediately I fel in the price of suculent pasta.Fantastic pics too;)

  22. I’ve been seeing that paccheri pasta in more and more places (will have to get Stacey a bag) and even calamarati – which look like paccheri cut into thirds (hence they look like squid rings). It’s even available at my local supermarket now. I would enjoy both of your versions and that whipped cream too – will be on the lookout.

  23. I love both styles of pasta, Marie! The first is a perfect “small bite” and the second looks elegant dinner party perfect. I shall have to invest in some mini springform pans.

    The infused whipped cream is oh la la!

  24. Oh, man, that pasta looks incredible, Marie. What an amazingly creative side dish. I love that! And now I’m on the hunt for that whipped cream!

  25. What a clever idea! Kind of like a cuter version of stuffed shells. They look fab!

    And, where did your daughter find that whipped cream? I’d love to get my hands on some of that!

  26. You are going to laugh. I just did a post on PACCHERI pasta and how I COULD NOT FIND IT ANYWHERE! can you believe? I had to substitute rigatoni. Jealous.

  27. First off IM stealing that idea for appetizers in my new venture. I have seen that whipped cream and didn’t get some. Now I know next time Im in Binnys to but it.

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