Braised Artichokes

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I know spring is here because I see artichokes popping up all over in the stores. Artichokes happen to be one of my top 5 vegetables that I couldn’t live without! So with that being said, whenever I see them cooked a different way or a new recipe I haven’t tried, I’m all over it!

Such is the case with braising artichokes, would you believe I’ve never actually braised an artichoke before?
I’ve stuffed many in my lifetime with various fillings, I couldn’t put a number on it.

I’ve fried them (don’t do that anymore), grilled them ( so good ), put them in everything you can imagine, salads, omelette’s, quiche, dips, bruschetta, crostini, hummus, salsa, pasta dishes, risotto, pizzas, soup, added alongside meat dishes, marinated, frozen or fresh it doesn’t matter!

I came across this recipe from the book Salt to Taste, and I’m so glad I did, this will now become part of my beloved artichoke repertoire. Great for a buffet or an antipasto table, it tastes best when slightly warm or at room temperature. I used fresh artichokes for this recipe so it took a little time to cut them in quarters and to prep them, but oh so worth it. I don’t see any reason why you couldn’t use frozen instead, I would not recommend marinated.

Here’s the fabulous recipe:
Adapted from Salt to Taste
4 large artichokes quartered with choke out and rubbed with lemon, tender leaves only
2 lemons
1/2 cup of extra virgin olive oil
3 sliced garlic cloves
3 small whole red pepperoncini, or less if you like
1 T. of dried oregano
1 large onion, thick slices
2 small rosemary sprigs
1/4 cup white wine
1/2 T of white wine vinegar, I used fresh lemon juice instead
1/4 cup of chicken broth
Salt and cracked black pepper

After your artichokes are prepped and ready to go, place oil, garlic, pepperoncini and oregano on low in a large deep skillet. Gently warm til garlic is soft about 5 minutes. Add onion, rosemary and cook over low heat until onion is soft. Add wine, vinegar or lemon juice and broth. Bring it to a boil then reduce to a simmer, add the artichokes and cook til tender. Allow to cool, serve warm or room temperature.

The flavors all blend together perfectly and you get a hint of spicy because you never cut the pepperoncini open, you could just place them in at the end the heat will slightly seep out. Garnish with lemon slices.

Imagine this with some good crusty bread for dipping the juice, some imported cheese like provolone, olives and some Italian deli meats, heaven!

Have a great weekend and Buon Appetito!

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Italian Sauces My Way E-Book


  1. The minute you said braised artichokes I jumped out of my seat! I remembered one Christmas the whole family met in Lake Como and we had a wonderful time with my parents friends Albonetti, and Irene fixed us these same artichokes,,I remember eating the whole thing and well, there you have it a food memory that last a lifetime!

  2. This dish looks amazing! I think of all the recipes I see for artichokes yours is always the most creative and appetizing!! xoxo

  3. Lovely blog! And gorgeous artichokes’ recipe… I would suggest it with a home-made bread, or ricotta crostini… Hmmm, what a dish!

  4. Wow, Marie, that photo won me over. I usually go for a simple preparation but this recipe is too good to pass up. I hate to think about how much bread I’m going to eat when I have a wonderful sauce to dip it in.

  5. Another winner, Marie. I tried frying artichokes – ONCE! Never again. So disappointing.

  6. Braising is my favorite way to fix artichokes! This looks incredible. I’ve been looking at “Salt to Taste” – I need to get that.

  7. I so love artichokes, Marie. I am drooling over yours and your photos.
    Happy Spring!

  8. I am reaching for the bread basket to find a chunk of bread to mop up the juices. Outstanding as always, my friend!

  9. absolutely love artichokes …your dish looks so mouth watering!

  10. I know what I am buying tomorrow, when I FINALLY go to the grocery store! The cupboards are bare!

  11. Now this looks like my kind of food. Wonderful-I suppose vegetable broth could be used too, so that it is vegan…

  12. I have always been intimidated by fresh artichokes. Your braised artichokes look so delicious – I guess it is now time to face my artichoke fears and give this a try! You had me at crusty bread for dipping!

  13. I just cooked fresh artichokes for the first time last week; it takes a bit of getting used to the cutting down and trimming, but I now feel inspired to try a recipe such as this – which sounds wonderful flavored with the herbs, peppers, garlic, white wine and lemon.

  14. this looks wonderful! I love artichokes too.

  15. Artichokes are definitely up there on my list of favorites as well. I’ve heard such good things about this cookbook – what a great dish!

  16. I love baby artichokes ..they are so tender and delicious!

    Come see my grandson in my current post if you get a chance, Marie!

  17. I could eat the whole pot.

  18. You did a great job in trimming those artichokes. Yes, they do signal spring to me too and I love the way you prepared them. I could even see that recipe poured over some pasta!

  19. We were just talking about braising some artichokes and then you posted your recipe! It looks wonderful!! Thanks, Marie!

  20. Oh my. I’ve never had a braised artichoke either, but I’m about to try them. This looks wonderful!

  21. Wow this looks so good, can’t wait to try it out!

  22. My mouth is watering for this one! I really need to expand my fresh artichoke repertoire this year. I’ve been on the lookout for baby artichokes – much less work!

  23. Marie, you trim/prep your artichokes like I do…I never throw away the stems!

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