Keeping Up the Detox

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I’m still on my healthy eating quest, eating soups and salads for over a week now. I think I used up every single vegetable in my house except for a bunch of peppers I still had. I finally feel detoxed!

I have my husband detoxing along with me, and fortunately for me he will eat anything I put before him so having a Stuffed Pepper for dinner was just fine with him.

I had some leftover cooked brown rice that I sauteed up with onion and garlic, added a dollop of leftover marinara, parmesan cheese, fresh parsley and basil. I also added and sliced up a spicy chicken sausage link that I had, and then stuffed it all into a red peppers that were cored and precooked on my indoor grill. Place your stuffed peppers in a casserole dish, drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with more cheese and bake at 375degrees until peppers are knife tender. Serve with your favorite Italian salad of course!

It’s very cold here today, I feel like I’m in the artic! More snow is due tonight, Gee I hope their wrong!

I had a little kitchen helper today, I propped her right on my counter in her Bumbo chair and she watched me the whole time I was cooking. I think she liked all the colors. We had a nice conversation about how good vegetables are for you!

This is a delicious and hearty Barley Salad that I made for lunch today, very healthy and good for you. . Cook your barley according to directions then let it cool. In the meantime, roast in a 450 degree oven, red, green and yellow peppers along with red onion, chopped eggplant and cook until caramelized and tender. When cooled add to barley along with garbanzo beans, sliced green or kalamata olives, fresh chopped parsley and basil, and a sprinkling of toasted pine nuts.
The Homemade Dressing is made by whisking up 1 cup of olive oil, 1/4 cup of red wine vinegar, the juice of 1/2 of a lemon, a teaspoon of Dijon, 1 minced garlic clove, salt, pepper and dried oregano. I only used a couple of tablespoons, you’ll have plenty leftover for other salads, just place in a jar and refrigerate!
Buon Appetito!

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Italian Sauces My Way E-Book


  1. I am so glad to see you and a few other bloggers making healthy changes to some (but not all) of our posts this year, for a healthier group of folks. I’m on that boat with you, girl! My last 2 posts were on some healthier Mediterranean food choices as well. I’m going to follow you ever more closely to learn more ways that are DELICIOUS while achieving my weight (and health) goals! Ciao and THANK YOU (grazie), Roz

  2. I’m right with you on the detox thing … and have actually lost a few pounds. This barley salad looks fantastic! I am seriously going to make that it this week. I always see barley in my store and remember eating it in a beef soup as a kid, and liking it, but never know what else to do with it. Thanks!

  3. You have inspired me to make stuffed peppers this week. I am even going tu use brown rice instead of the white.
    And barley salad has been bookmarked.

  4. They do say that the “Mediteranean Diet” is the healthiest – so you certainly have a head start with your detox! Wishing you a fabulous 2010.

  5. That’s a beautiful shot of the barley salad

  6. Two wonderful recipes, Marie. I will love the barley salad and stuffed peppers are always a favorite here. I haven’t been very good about cutting back. I don’t think enchiladas qualify as a healthy meal. Oh well…I’ll be better next week.

  7. I would feel right at home at your house this week, Marie. Beautiful peppers and barley salad! I love how you have that little baby next to you watching you cook. 🙂
    Stay warm; I saw on the news that Chicago was in for a foot of snow and arctic temps. Brrrrr ….

  8. what a great idea. I never thought to use barley in a salad. thanks

  9. Looks delicious, as always! Thank you for the inspiration!
    Stay Warm,

  10. A barley salad is a great idea; I usually just think of it in soup. Will have to remember to use up leftover veggies that way. A nice side dish.

  11. We would love both of these dishes.
    The colors are so vibrant, you just know they are good for you.

    Sweet little dimpled baby hands… is there anything cuter than that?!

  12. Last year this time I said I am going on a detox and I failed after a couple of days. This year I said nothing and it is going ok!!! I will try this recipe for Sunday lunch so that I don’t feel deprived of a good old roast!!!!

  13. Isn’t it actually fun after all the rich foods to bring out the vegetables? I love your stuffed pepper – they are a winner in my home. Heraty grain winter salads like your barley – it feels virtuous!

  14. Thanks for this one, Marie. A beautiful collection of ingredients that sound just right. I love the photo of your “helper”…very sweet.

  15. I love your blog! It’s all about your choice of foods and the photos. Stuffed peppers are always a good staple, particularly when it’s cold. Thank you.

  16. We love stuffed peppers Marie! They are especially good when grilled and get a smokey char.

    The Bumbo seats are so clever aren’t they? My little grandson loved his. He began walking this week!

  17. I am proud of you (and me!).
    6 days without wine so far!
    I love stuffed peppers, maybe with sausage and rice for another time?
    (I just finished the last slice of dnb).

  18. Happy New Year! love the eggplant rolls in the last post – reminds me of summer for some reason – and that I do have an indoor grill and need to use it more often! Also, isn’t it the best to have a husband who will eat all these wonderful healthy things? I think so!

  19. Marie, your comment on my blog cracks me up! I hope we can have a Bloody Mary together next time I’m in Chicago. Stay warm girlfriend, and oh how fortunate you are to have your little cutie helping you in the kitchen.

  20. I love your blog. Both pictures and recipes are scrumptious. I’ve been on a cleanse as well and posted a greens cleanse at my blog. I’m definitely going to try the barley salad for my next week’s stage of the cleanse.


  21. Stifed peppers are a favourite around here even when the deck is covered in snow.

  22. You showcased stuffed Melrose peppers in October 2007 that inspired me to make stuffed peppers. (Turns out Melrose peppers are a Chicago thing.) My sweet peppers were delicious – thank you.

    Since then, I have gotten really lazy and make de-constructed stuffed peppers. I brown my sausage until it is almost done, then remove the sausage to a bowl. In the same pan I saute onions, garlic, basil and whatever else looks like a good addition. I slice the peppers into thin strips and saute that along with everything else. I add uncooked rice to the sauteed veggies with enough chicken broth to cook the rice in, put the lightly cooked hot sausage back into the pan, and cook per the directions on the rice. It makes a lovely de-constructed stuffed pepper and only one pan to clean. Serve with your favorite cheese and a glass of wine. I credit you for the inspiration and I have been enjoying them regularly this winter.

  23. Both these recipes look delicious. I have to watch the carbs, but I think if I put enough veggies in them I would be ok. Thanks for sharing.

  24. Hi Marie, Those peppers look so good, just what we need now we have finished the last of the “not so good” food. your little helper will grow up with wonderful memories and loving all the colourful healthy food because of your little chat I am sure :-).

  25. Oh my…so cute! I used to sit my now 4 yr old grand girl in her Bumbo on the kitchen island while I cooked and she loved it! She still lives to help in the kitchen while her little brother is in the Bumbo! Freezin’ here too…making greens and beans soup with hot turkey sausage.

  26. Marie – I just love your stuffed pepper. Brown rice is something I frequently cook and with all those other ingredients, it sounds yummy and healthy. Boy you are really coming clean – the barley salad is a great idea too. How do you keep from raiding the leftover cookies? How nice that you had a helper.

  27. Mmmm these look amazing! I will be making these.. yum!

  28. I am making your barley salad, I love salads like that and so healthy for lunch. Thanks for the idea.
    BTW, love that you are getting the little one involved in cooking and eating healthy, get ’em started early!

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