Apple Wrapped Ricotta Tarts

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The other day while I was photo grazing over at TasteSpotting, I came across Confessions of a Tart, she had just posted apple and ricotta tartlets. What caught my eye was that instead of a pastry crust, she used sliced apples. What a great idea! A dessert I don’t have to feel guilty about eating, and besides that, it just sounded so good to me. I knew I was going to make this.

I wanted to change mine up a bit, so I decided to add some rum soaked golden raisins to the ricotta mixture, which turned out adding great flavor to the ricotta. Basically you slice apples very thin, and then you arrange them in overlapping circles inside muffin cups. Irene had a great visual on this so take a look at her photo here. This takes a little time and patience, and as you can see from my little tart above, my apple layering didn’t turn out nearly as pretty as Irene’s.

So I decided to pull out my little 8″ spring form pan, butter up the sides and bottom and then layered my apples around the bottom and along the side. As soon as I spread the ricotta mixture down it served as a wall and I added more apple slices in layers along the side. This was way easier for me to handle, and I think the result turned out nice. What do you think?

The only thing I would suggest if you use a spring form pan, is to wrap tin foil around the bottom and lower sides so that none of the juice from the apple slices will seep through and smoke up your oven.

Here’s the ingredients:
This recipe makes 8 tartlets, but you can double or triple the recipe, if you want to make more than 8, or if you want to use a spring form pan.
**Rum soaked golden raisins.
**4 firm apples, peeled, cut, cored and sliced thin for layering.
**8oz. of ricotta cheese.
**4T of sugar.
**1 egg.
Drain your raisins and sprinkle on top of your ricotta mixture.

Bake 350F for 30-35 minutes until set and puffed. If you’re making the tartlets let them cool and remove them gently with a tablespoon, I found that worked well. Taste great warm or cold!

We throughly enjoyed ever bite of this!
Buon Appetito!!

Sharing is caring!

Italian Sauces My Way E-Book


  1. This is ultra-creative with striking results…I have to try these!

  2. Beautiful! So can we get together befor Christmas?;-)

  3. I think it’s perfect. Love Italiano-Americano – use what is fresh and make it work – just like Grandma did.

  4. I’m in heaven! I love your idea to use the springform pan. The tart looks wickedly delicious! Thank You for the Eye Candy!!

  5. Fabulous all round indeed!

  6. Absolutely amazing! I can just taste them through the monitor! My mouth is drooling….

  7. I’m craving a snack right about now. I wish I could just reach into your blog and take a bite…a BIG bite!!

    Hope your well kiddo!

  8. OMG…I love this so thank you and Irene for sharing it. My mind is already spinning with ways to make it my own. I’ve done that technique with making potato or bread/tortilla cups but didn’t think of fruit.

  9. Those look so good! The apple wraps are a great idea!

  10. oh wow…what an awesome recipe! looks wonderful! I just might have all the ingredients for this (except for golden raisins. I have regular brown ones)

  11. Beautiful, Marie! I’m loving all the apple recipes this time of year and this one takes the cake with the ricotta. Very creative.

  12. The spring form pan, a great idea. Actually, the whole recipe is a great idea.

  13. Oh my goodness! Between the amazing photos and the incredibly mouth-watering description, I think I’m sold on making this over the weekend. Yum! Thanks for yet another great idea.

  14. Your photos are soooo beautiful! This tart looks fab-u-lous!!

  15. What a glorious dessert! Ricotta is fabulous, isn’t it?

  16. The perfect Fall dessert. It looks wonderful!

  17. This turned out so beautifully.

  18. Oh.My.God. This is fabulous!

  19. What a wonderful idea to have a big tart like that! And the rum soaked raisins add a *huge* MMMMM factor. I’m so glad you liked this! 🙂

  20. What a novel idea, Marie, and it looks so pretty! I thought you used puff pastry when I saw the first photo — who knew apples could keep their shape like that? I’m sure the addition of rum soaked raisins brought the taste to a new level. Love it!

  21. Your pictures look so good, all I need is a cup of coffee. apples and ricotta go together really well.

  22. What an inventive dessert. I love the apples lining the crust and the rum-soaked raisins – I do that for oatmeal cookies and rice pudding (I made yours last Friday) But those photos are giving me camera envy. what do you use?

  23. Awesome, rich, and beautiful!!! You hit a home run with this one dear.

  24. I have apples, ricotta, raisins, and Splenda and I know this can be WW friendly. It looks gorgeous!

  25. Both of you did a beautiful job with this recipe. You’re right, it’s brilliant! I really liked the rum-soaked golden raisins that you added….so European and definitely would perk up what could potentially be a bland ricotta. Don’t get me wrong! I adore ricotta. Guilt-free, huh? Knowing me, I’d be tempted to do puff pastry and apples and ricotta… guilt free, schmuilt free… it all looks fabulous!

  26. You are so creative! I love ricotta and I am sure that I would love this dessert!

  27. What a nice idea! You must have read my mind, as just this morning I was thinking: what am I going to do with this batch of homemade ricotta I have? Thanks to you, now I know.

  28. I love this recipe! Thanks for sharing.

  29. WOW Marie this recipe looks go yummy… It will be going intro my recipe file…Thanks! Have a fun filled day.


  30. O-M-G! Those look absolutely divine! Now if you just lived a tad closer, I’d call in an order, price no option. Not for me though, for the baby (9 months pregnant), ha, like everything else I eat lately 🙂

  31. Your tart is gorgeous Marie. Love the way you’ve used the apple slices and anything with ricotta filling…love it.

    I had a great week in your gorgeous city. And what weather! And great food! I’m spoiled for life.

  32. What a great idea! I love the ideas of thinly sliced apples in place of crust.

  33. I am all about the ricotta !
    Love it, it looks gorgeous : )

  34. Beautiful! What a great idea for crust. These would be a beautiful addition to a thanksgiving table.

  35. those are so gorgeous! I mean I would hate to eat it, but eventually I would you know?
    seriously, these came out great.

  36. You know how I feel about ricotta desserts!
    I love the apple crust on this!
    I doubt this is a guilt free dessert, but who cares??????

  37. Simply scrumptious and ooooh so tempting!

  38. What a treat these tarts must have been. Wow, to use apples as your pie crust is a genius idea!!!

  39. I regularly follow your blog.
    You always have great ideas and this is not an exception 🙂
    Have a nice day, Mik

  40. I am reading you blog at 5#0 in the morning thinking, “gee maybe I will stay home today and make this recipe.”
    This has been added to my list of things to do this weekend…

  41. Wow beautiful and so so yumm.

  42. Just saw your blog on and had to come and check it out! You have a lovely blog and these ricotta/apple tarts look amazing! Great idea too

  43. Whoa … your photos are amazing! I think I actually started to salivate looking at this tart! I’ve never had apples with ricotta before. Did the tart taste similar to cheesecake? Gosh, those soaked raisins sound divine. This is a great gluten free tart … total YUM!

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