I’ve been wanting to make these cookies for so long. I always buy a few when I go to the Italian bakeries out here.

These Pignoli cookies are made with pure Almond paste, that are rolled in pine nuts and baked until golden brown.

The cookies were very easy to make, the hard part was locating the Almond paste. I actually went to several stores before I found it, but that was probably because its holiday baking time. Anyway, this is not to be confused with Marzipan, that’s not what you want to use. Also, There’s a brand called Solo, which makes Almond filling, don’t use that either! You just need straight up Almond paste! but and you won’t believe how much this little can cost… can you believe, 8.99!!! I thought that was quite expensive!

But after looking on the Internet I found out you can make your own Almond paste real easy at home, so next time I might try that if I get adventurous.

This is what it looked like out of the can, it’s really thick and has to be broken up in the food processor. This is a very good brand though, and as soon as you take the lid off the can the smell of Amaretto fills the air!! I found out there’s another good brand out there and it’s called Odense, which comes in a tube. Just remember… Marzipan and Almond paste are two different things, and Almond filling is not what you want either.

These actually turned out Soooo good! but now I really have a new found appreciation as to why the bakeries charge so much for these little gems. Between the pine nuts and the Almond paste!$$$$$!! But with that being said, they’re very “special”cookies, and I’d definately make them again!


1 (10 oz) can of Almond paste

1/2 cup granulated sugar

1/2 cup of powdered sugar

1/4 cup of flour

3 egg whites, lightly beaten

At least 10 0z of pine nuts in a bowl to roll them in before you bake them.

Continue using the food processor after breaking up the Almond paste into small pieces.Pulse the sugar and the flour, add egg whites till dough comes together.

Scoop out a small piece of dough, and roll in pine nuts till covered, and place 2″ apart on cookie sheet. Bake 300 degrees about 32 min. Freeze them if you’re not going to use them right away, then take out as needed.

Happy Baking!!!
