This is my version of Italian meatloaf, it’s rich and meaty, bursting with flavors of garlic, asiago, herbs and pecorino cheese and it has a tasty red pepper sauce infusing the inside as well as the outside.
What can I say, meatloaf is homey, classic comfort food. This Italian meatloaf is something I make during the colder months. I like eating this with a big Italian salad or maybe roasted potatoes and sometimes the classic mashed, you can’t go wrong with either.
You can slather the top with a red pepper sauce like store bought or homemade, or even just as good a chunky marinara. You’re then going to finish it off with some fresh mozzarella which you’ll stick on at the end for a few minutes just until it starts to melt and ooze out.
You can use whatever ground meat mixture you like, I used all ground beef in mine.
Not only is this delicious for dinner but the next day you can slice it up for sandwiches with some good bread and crunchy lettuce.
FYI, If you’re lucky enough to have a Trader Joe’s near you, sometimes I cheat and buy this fabulous spread, it’s filled with red peppers, a bit of garlic and eggplant and it’s so delicious smeared all over the meatloaf as it bakes, and so convenient!
- 2 lbs. ground beef or ground meat of your choice
- 3 garlic cloves minced
- ½ chopped onion
- handful of shredded carrots
- handfull of grated pecorino romano
- 2 eggs
- ½ cup panko
- ¼ cup red pepper sauce or marinara thats on the thicker side
- ¾ cup asiago cheese, diced small
- chopped basil and parsley for seasoning
- salt and pepper
- Additional red pepper sauce or thick marinara, enough to slather the top of the meatloaf
- 3 slices of fresh mozzarella
- Fresh basil for garnish
- Mix everything together in a big bowl.
- Form meat mixture into a loaf.
- Place meatloaf into baking dish
- Smother with enough red pepper sauce or marinara to cover it from end to end.
- Bake at 375F for about 1 hour and 15 minutes or until meat thermometer reaches 160.
- Last 5 minutes or so place mozzarella on top and let it start to melt and ooze.
- Garnish with basil leaves on top of melted mozzarella.
What sort of potatoe and gravy would be a perfect accompaniment
I. wouldn’t do gravy at all, I would just serve some roasted potatoes on the side and a green salad.
Marie, this is the style of meatloaf we grew up with, rooted in the flavors of the Italian kitchen. The ultimate comfort food on a cold winter’s night and during these hectic days of December, a great dish to make early in the week and serve for several nights. Thank you for the memories….
Oh dear ! Is there anything better than Italian meatloaf … Grazie milla !