Ravioli, A Yearly Holiday Tradition

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homemade ravioli This is the time of year I love making ravioli just before Thanksgiving, it’s tradition in my house. I remember as a kid white sheets on top of tables all over our house that were filled with ravioli made together by my mother and aunt. I have their recipe and I hold it near and dear to my heart.

They always made two different kinds of ravioli, meat and cheese and that’s what I make to this very day, and I have to say that their recipe never ever fails me.

Although I like to use different fillings and be adventurous now and then, when I’m with my family and cousins on my side it’s tradition that we use their special recipe which stirs up great memories for all of us.

I’ve learned a lot of tips and tricks over the years, many I have shared on this blog, like how to make ravioli for a crowd  (and not lose your mind!) It’s not as hard as you think especially if you have a few family members helping you make them ahead of time, plus it’s lots of fun and you’ll be creating wonderful memories together.

ravioli dough I’m all about being organized and having everything prepped. I like to make the dough the night before, for 400 ravioli that’s around ten batches of dough, if I’m making 200, five batches of dough. Sometimes I’ll get up early and make all the dough in the morning but I’m not much of an early bird I work better at night.

The dough must always be covered and resting at room temperature so if they were stored in the fridge overnight you have to take them out and let them warm up, the dough will be more pliable and easier to work with.

I always make my dough in the food processor, it’s so fast and works like a charm every time. Making the dough in a well is not for me, especially for large amounts, I was taught that way but I’m all about the food processor method now.

ravioli making tools They also rolled out their ravioli by hand with a rolling pin and crimped each and everyone with a fork, I did that too back in the day but times have changed.

As the years went by I graduated to a pretty red pasta machine and I also use ravioli forms, the forms allow the ravioli to come out uniform in size, and I rarely have any breakage when boiling.

When I first started making ravioli  as a young wife they would be crazy looking, some were long rectangles, short rectangles, big squares, short squares, thick dough, thin dough, not enough filling, air pockets all over, and many would break open when boiling, thank goodness I found the right tools!

ravioli doughravioli attachment But now fast forward to 2016 I discovered something even better and I don’t think I’ll ever go back to my pretty red crank style pasta roller, I’ll have to pass it down as a family heirloom because I now have a new and powerful friend, my Kitchen Aid pasta attachment!

Well it’s not really new, I bought it a couple of years ago but never used it, I think I was afraid it wouldn’t give me the same results as my oldie but goodie crank style. The brand new and never used attachment was sitting in a box in my pantry for so long that I had to Google how to  properly place it on the machine and use it.

You don’t realize how fatiguing it is to crank out 400 ravioli, when making so many we would take turns, but it’s a breeze with the pasta attachment because the machine does all the work for you, the power of that motor makes the most uniform dough, always consistent and smooth as silk, plus there’s a bonus, you’ll have both of your hands free and you won’t feel tired at all.

It’s amazing and I highly recommend it if you like to make a lot of fresh pasta, and I’m not being compensated to say it!

prepping ravioli  This past weekend I made 200 ravioli by myself and I wasn’t the least bit tired, I could have made another 100, no problem, the pasta attachment changed my life!

I prepped the fillings the night before because it’s a little time consuming and I like to get that out of the way. I made cheese, meat and butternut squash filling. I also love using piping bags for a more clean and efficient way of filling the ravioli forms, works like a charm and it’s much, much neater than using a spoon.

The forms have to be well floured all over including the zig zags before placing the dough on top, dusting them with flour will help them to seal and fall out of the forms without getting stuck.

making ravioli At this point you can also brush some water lightly all around the edges then the top layer of dough goes on. I use a small rolling pin and roll over all the zig zag lines and the surface of the dough, that will also help in getting the filling down into the holes.

homemade ravioli When it’s time to release the ravioli I turn the whole form upside down and grab a corner with my two fingers tugging a bit until the ravioli just fall out onto your work surface.

making raviolihomemade ravioli Then I’ll use a pasta crimper shown above, and score it through the zig zag lines which helps them come apart easy, one score usually does it.

homemade ravioli I always freeze mine by taking a cookie sheet, lining it with parchment paper and placing the ravioli single layer, never on top of each other or touching. When the pan is filled up I’ll put another piece of parchment on top then stick the whole pan in the freezer.

Meat ravioli usually take around a half hour to freeze, when they’re all frozen I’ll place them into freezer bags and they won’t stick together at all, you’ll be able to take out as many as needed.

butternut squash raviolibutternut squash ravioli Butternut squash as well as the cheese filling will take a good hour to freeze because of the softer and wetter filling.

homemade raviolihomemade ravioli Be sure to mark your bags!

Keep in mind you don’t have to make as many as I did, I don’t want to scare you off from doing this but if you’re going to embark on this adventure you might as well go big!

They taste at optimum freshness and flavor for at least four months in the freezer, so you have plenty of time to make them before a big event.

homemade ravioli

Like I said I have some other good tips and tricks in my archives here and here. In those posts and the other link above I”ll give you a visual on how I did it for a crowd, how much sauce to make for 400, the shallow disposable pans I used and of course pictures of the cooked ravioli.

I hope you give this a try someday, there’s nothing like homemade ravioli and just think of the fun memories you’ll be making!

Recipe is upon request, just send me an email.

You can also follow Proud Italian Cook on Instagram to see what else I’m cooking up during the week and especially all through the holidays.

Sharing is caring!

Italian Sauces My Way E-Book


  1. Hi there! My family has tried to pass down the recipe and process but there is a lot of variation. If you could email me the recipe for dough and filling I would really appreciate it.

    So glad I happened upon your post! I have been dragging my feet on making these and hope a well written set of instructions will be what I need to get going.


  2. Patricia Hamann says

    I would like your ravioli recipe. Looking forward to making them.

  3. Melany Lopez says

    Hi thank you for all the information! I would love to get the ravioli recipe!
    Thank you

  4. Ciao Marie,
    I would absolutely love you to email me the recipe for meat and cheese ravioli please. Plan on making for all my immediate family of about 40 Christmas Eve. Usually we make Risotto Milanese with shrimp because our heritage is from the Lombardi region, Vestone Brescia but passing it this year. Love your posts!!
    Thank you,

  5. Marie… we love following your blog. Can you we have this recipe? We purchased a similar red Atlas pasta machine, and ready to roll up our sleeves and try homemade raviolis. FYI, we grew up not far from your home, near Riis Park. Thanks, Marie.

  6. Ashley Panniero says

    Helllo, I’d love the recipe for your cheese and the meat filled ravioli. Thanks so much!

  7. Looks amazing! I would love the recipe!

  8. Just found this and would love to have your ravioli recipe!

    Thank you.

  9. Completely inspiring! What fun! Would love your recipe, please – want to make some to celebrate the holiday season.

  10. I LOVE all my Kitchen Aide attachments, Marie and especially the pasta roller attachment. I can’t make lasagna with dried noodles any longer–I always use the sheet roller to press out my lasagna sheets.

    Ravioli are such a treat during the holidays! Last year I made butternut squash dough and filled with a ricotta filling and then served with a sage/cream sauce. They were so good! This year I am making tortellini with pesto sauce–my daughter’s request.

    Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

  11. Thank you for sharing your beautiful pictures and your cooking talent with us on this blog. I would live the recipes for the ravioli. I just ordered the pasta attachment for my kitchenaid. Cannot wait to make the ravioli with my kids helping me!

  12. Love it love it love itttt! Italian food is THE BEST! Been following this recipes lately and let me tell you I´ve improved my cooking skills big time! For those interested, I stopped by Barilla Restaurants yesterday and they gave me a free sample of food from Parma! Exquisite! Highly recommended if you´re nearby!

  13. I would love to try your meat filled ravioli recipe. I love cheese but don’t like any cheese ravioli. Go figure

  14. Wow, this is truly a delicious labor of love, I’m so impressed!

  15. Hi Marie,
    I would love to try your recipes! Honestly, I’ve never made ravioli, but you’ve inspired me. My husband has such fond memories of watching his grandmother prepare them (every Sunday!). Thank you for the great blog, I always enjoy your posts.
    Happy Holidays!

  16. They look delicious. I would love the recipe

  17. I’m ready to give it a try! Would love to have your ravioli recipes. Also, what brand are your ravioli forms? Many thanks!

  18. I would love your recipe as well, Marie. I make a lot of manicotti for the holiday, but I haven’t tried ravioli.

  19. Hi Marie! Your post inspired me to finally try making pasta from scratch. I was not so adventurous to do ravioli – just sheets for lasagna. It came out great! Perhaps with my new found confidence I’ll be trying ravioli next!

  20. Katherine Alger says

    I would very much like recipe for both dough and filling. Been wanting to make these for years. Thanks Katherine

  21. Denene Antonacci says

    Marie, I would love to have your ravioli recipe. I’m looking forward to starting this tradition with my teenage daughter. Thanks so much!

  22. What a wonderful post! How can I get these recipes?
    Thank you,

  23. I would love to try these! Please send me the recipes for the ravioli and that beautiful marinara that goes over them! You are such an inspiration!! Thank you!!

  24. What setting is usually the last one on your KA pasta roller for raviolis sheets?

  25. Marnie Kelley says

    I would love to try your recipe- I made Andrew Carmellini’s and was underwhelmed-

  26. Lisa (Testa) Hunter says

    Hi Marie, I would love to try this one day! I am a little intimidated and scared…..but I cannot call myself a true Italian and not take the leap and go for it, right? 🙂 I would love your recipe! Maybe my dad and I can make these together someday.

  27. What a wonderful tradition! I enjoy hearing about family traditions since my family isn’t terribly keen on them. I am currently in the process of learning to make homemade pasta and can’t quite get the dough right, but I am trying! I really enjoyed the photos of your ravioli process and have already ordered a ravioli press. Thank you for sharing this and I hope your ravioli day is a lovely one.

  28. Debby Morici says

    Please send me the recipe. I absolutely love homemade ravioli and would love to have this recipe!!

  29. We do it just like you do — it’s just Hubby and I. We feel like a pasta factory but as long as you’ve got all the utensils out you might as well make a bunch! We love our Kitchen Aid attachment. We also had a hand crank but our son bought us the attachment. Hubby didn’t think we’d use it that much. We wore one out and had to order another 🙂 I like your idea of putting the filling in the plastic bags — it was my job to drop the filling in the pockets 🙁 I think it would go faster with the plastic bags especially with looser fillings. I’m in the mood to cook. Have a wonderful day!!Abbracci!

  30. After reading your whole post I’m exhausted and now taking a nap. When I get up I’ll send this to my
    daughter in law because she is still young and maybe she can have the energy. In the mean time I’m running
    out to Caputo’s and buy some frozen ravioli’s LOL. They look amazing and that “large” pot of gravy on the stove,
    wow, yummy.

  31. You are truly an artist! Your ravioli look so uniform and I am sure the fillings are delicious. Thank you for including “tips” on how to do this. I think my family will be enjoying homemade ravioli from my house this Christmas!

  32. That is an amazing amount of ravioli! I make my dough in the bread machine and then move on to the hand crank. I whine about making one batch of raviolis! I finally broke down and got a KitchenAid last year–maybe it’s time I start asking for the attachments for Christmas? We were thinking of the meat grinder first (want to make sausage) but this is tempting!

  33. Cecilia Marie Young says

    Hey Marie!

    I was just thinking about finding my crank pasta machine! I would like to make ravioli with my granddaughter. Could you please send me your recipes? Thanks a lot!

  34. Hi Marie
    I want to start some traditions with my baby grandchildren and would love your recipe for both meat and cheese! Thanks so much for the tips will be ordering the attachment for my kitchen aide mixer!

  35. Tara Esposito says

    Hi Marie,
    I would love your recipes for both meat and cheese. I’ve never made ravioli before and you’ve inspired me to try it!

  36. What a delicious post! Thank you for all your tricks and tips. I am going to suggest this to my daughters……..it sounds like it would be a fun tradition to start! I would love the recipe!

  37. Oh Marie. This is fabulous. As you know, I just made racioli last week, using the hand cranked machine. But after reading your post, I’m getting that attachment for my KitchenAid machine. Very inspiring post my friend. Wish we could make ravioli together!

  38. Hi Marie
    I always watched and helped my nonna make ravioli…wish I had written down the recipe.
    I would love to have your recipe
    thank you

  39. Stacie Hughes says

    Hi Marie! I would love this recipe for ravioli.

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