Grilled Fennel Salad with Fresh Herbs and Parmesan

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grilled fennelWill you be firing up the grill for Father’s Day? If so, I’d like to suggest a platter of grilled fennel as a side! It goes wonderful with steaks, chicken, fish and my absolute favorite, a Tuscan grilled pork roast. Those of you who have been on the fence about fennel because of it’s slight licorice/anise flavor, please give this grilled version a try.
grilled fennel platter Cooked fennel doesn’t taste licoricey at all, it’s delicate and mellow and has a natural sweetness with a texture that is similar to bok choy.

Fresh herbs combined with lemon, lemon zest, olive oil and shavings of Parmigiano Reggiano makes for the perfect topping to enhance the flavors even more.
grilled fennel salad You can grill your fennel ahead of time either outside or on an indoor grill, just don’t flip them until you get a nice char on each side and they’re tender to the touch. I like to keep my grill on medium, watching closely. They take about 5 minutes per side.

 Then all you have to do is drizzle on the dressing and watch them disappear!

Grilled Fennel Salad with Fresh Herbs and Parmesan
  • fennel bulbs, sliced
  • olive oil
  • fresh herbs like basil, parsley and thyme and some fennel fronds
  • lemon juice and zest
  • Parmigiano Reggiano shavings
  1. If your fennel bulbs have stalks and fronds on them, then you'll want to trim them off.
  2. Cut off any hard and inedible outer parts.
  3. Trim a tiny bit off the bottom, the core helps to keep your slices in tact.
  4. Holding your fennel bulb upright cut ¼ inch slices vertically from top to bottom.
  5. Brush each side with olive oil and a sprinkling of salt and pepper.
  6. Place slices on a medium hot grill turning until you get a nice char on each side and fennel is tender to the touch.
  7. Whisk together the lemon, olive oil, herbs and zest adding salt and pepper to taste, then drizzle all over.
  8. Garnish with the shavings of Parmigiano Reggiano.
  9. Delicious slightly warm or at room temperature.

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  1. Trish Benedict says

    What a wonderful recipe! I did it tonight as a side for our grilled cheese sandwiches to celebrate both National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day AND National Licorice Day! (I also popped a few pieces of Panda licorice into my mouth at some point for some extra celebration. :o)

  2. I am so excited to make this! It’s the perfect summer grilled veggie recipe, in my opinion. I found it through “31 Amazing things to Cook in August” I look forward to exploring other recipes on your site. Lisa

  3. What a great dish! The folks who shy away from fennel are really missing a treat. As much as I enjoy it raw, I also love it grilled, and this just sounds great. I have to try it. Thanks!

  4. No sittin’ on the fence here! I ADORE fennel, especially roasted or grilled……so sweet and delicious! This salad looks amazing! Yet another recipe to add to my repetoire. Thanks Marie!!

  5. Oh Marie – I adore fennel but never thought to grill it. Your platter looks gorgeous. Can’t wait to try this when I get home.

  6. Grilled Finocchia! omg Marie! this is totally out of this world

  7. Can you provide some measurements, at leat for the dressing—- thanks

    • Cindy, start with the juice of one lemon then whisk in 2 tablespoons of oil, it all depends how much your making, otherwise you can squeeze lemon on each fennel slice then go back and drizzle each one with olive oil, sprinkle your herbs around.

  8. Wow, Marie, that looks fantastic. I have never grilled fennel and can’t wait to try it. Beautiful presentation.

  9. Just back from a BIG shop! Delighted to find fennel tho’ I had no particular dish in mind – perhaps an orange/mint salad in spite of the increasing cold in my part of Australia! Saw this, decided on it for it for the weekend – and thank you! Looks yumeocious [yep, probably no such word 🙂 !] !!

  10. Fabulous Marie! My new BBQ was delivered this morning. I will definitely make your fennel dish. Probably often.

  11. This look amazing! My husband and I love braised or grilled fennel (finnochio), Marie, especially as a side for fish.

  12. oooh, fennel is my favorite! I have been roasting it all winter, and now plan on grilling it!
    I love that you kept some of the beautiful fronds attached!

    Making this over the weekend for sure!

  13. You do the best dishes. I really want to come over and eat!


  1. […] Grilled Fennel Salad from the Proud Italian Cook […]

  2. […] I’m always on the fence when it comes to fennel because of the liquorice taste … this grilled recipe however with Parmesan and lemon seems more subtle and mild. Via […]

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