I’ve Been On a Salad Kick Lately!

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I have to thank my daughter for getting me to try a kale salad, I thought it was strange not to cook it, I thought it would be really bitter, I was wrong. Whole Foods makes a very popular kale salad here which is beautifully displayed in their deli, the demand is so great that sometimes they run out, I bought a small container one day on the advice of my daughter, and I was hooked!

Since then I’ve been making kale salads all different ways, here’s one of my favorites. This nutritious and healthy salad can be put together in a few minutes, a nice alternative to the usual salad greens. Ingredients listed above, no measuring, just put as much as you want.

I had two blood oranges left that needed to be used so I made this simple salad consisting of oranges, raw onion rings, salt, pepper and extra virgin olive oil. The combination together creates a great balance of flavor.

A good use for leftover chicken is to recreate it into a salad. Diced chicken, red onion, avocado, grape tomatoes, kalamata olives, torn fresh basil leaves and pine nuts tossed with some whole wheat bow tie pasta and fresh spinach drizzled with your favorite vinaigrette. Great for lunch or a light dinner.

Shrimp stuffed in an avocado has been around for years, what sets this apart is the 3 Citrus Aioli that’s drizzled all over it. Scoop out one side of an avocado, dice into medium chunks and place into a bowl, add your cooked shrimp that has also been cut into medium chunks ( leave a few whole). Toss in grape tomatoes that have been cut in half, granulated garlic, fresh parsley and red onion, stuff it back into the other avocado half.
For the 3 Citrus Aioli, combine the juice of a lemon, lime and orange, whisk it into a good store bought mayonnaise until you get the right consistency and then drizzle all over. The citrus brightens everything up and goes perfectly with the shrimp and creamy avocado.
Enjoy, and Buon Appetito!

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  1. I made your kale salad tonight, Marie, and wanted you to know how much we loved it. It was absolutely delicious!! Thank you!

  2. Kale Sald is my new new fav. So many variations you can do with it.

  3. They all look grand of course – but the citrus aioli is inspired – and then over shrimp and avocado – how light, springtime and packed with flavor.

  4. Oh wow, fantastic salads! A girl *could* live on salads alone over here!

  5. I’m a salad nut too! The kale sounds so good, never thought of it in a raw salad either, I’ll have to try this one soon!


  6. Hi Marie!!!
    These salads look so up my alley! My husband and I can eat salad like these every night.. really, we never get tired of them! 🙂

    I hope your well and planning a fun summer!

  7. These recipes are fantastic! I have just told everyone about your recipes on Proud Italian cook on “My” blog it seems everyone this weekend asked me about salads and kale in particular? I have directed then to you hope you don’t mind!

  8. Raw kale salad! I am there, Marie. Beautiful salads all around. How refreshing and healthful they are. 🙂

  9. I attended a seminar on salads, yesterday. I realized that I would like to spend more time focusing on salads. Your collection is beautiful! I should take advantage of that my home is in the center of the Lettuce Bowl of the World– Salinas, CA!! Kale is on my shopping list. thanks!

  10. That leftover chicken salad sounds wonderful and will more than likely show up at our dinner table. We eat salads at least five nights per week. The Kale salad is very interesting. I love all sorts of greens and am inclined to try that one too. BTW Beautiful display.

  11. OK, I believe you about the kale and I will try it again! (I had a bad experience with it once); love all the salads you posted, especially the last one with the avocados!

  12. You must feel so good with a healthy diet like this…sorry I have been so absent….. life just happened, no internet etc…

  13. I will definitely try the kale salad – it looks delicious. Oh, and that 3 citrus aioli sounds amazing!

  14. Everything looks so good. A salad kick is a good thing 🙂

  15. Me, too. I never tire salads. My favorite green these days is escarole. They all look great – as did your zucchini ribbon salad.

  16. A salad kick is not a bad thing. Especially when they all look so good.

  17. Yay for salads! You have such an abundance of good ideas here. I would really love to try the kale salad!

  18. Wow. Shrimp and avocado and aioli! On my list for this weekend.

  19. Wow. These are so colorful! They look great! Yum!

  20. I just tried a raw kale salad for the first time at Whole Foods. Like you, I wasn’t too sure about the idea but I ended up really liking it! Your version sounds delicious and hearty.

  21. I am loving the salads and veggies since it is shorts season soon!
    Love the pasta salad…..I am hungry at 9:30 a.m. for that!

  22. ….oh, and your photos are gorgeous!

  23. Your salads look so pretty, Marie. I happen to love aalads, too. Thanks for giving me that Kale idea, am definitely going to have to try that. Will pick some up at this weekends farmers market. Thanks!

  24. Julie, You could use garlic powder instead.

  25. What a terrific and enticing group of salads. I want to try that 3-citrus aioli.

  26. These look amazing! The last one especially is going on my to-make list!
    I’ve never encountered granulated garlic. What would be an acceptable substitute?



  27. Marie, I love all your salads, but the last one really has me salivating! I love both shrimp and avocado and the three cirus aioli sounds like the perfect touch!

  28. you twisted my arm and it worked!

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