We all get pressed for time and need something we can cook fast every now and then. This is my idea of fast food!! Something I can take out of the frig, it doesn’t have to be defrosted, I don’t have to mix it with anything, it can all be cooked on the grill, with no pots or pans to clean, and it just takes minutes to cook!
Not only is this super fast, the flavors going on here are so good together, believe me you won’t even miss the meat!

Everything is brushed with an herb flavored olive oil which takes a couple seconds to make by mixing some fresh or dry basil, with a clove of crushed fresh garlic into some olive oil with some salt and pepper. You can tell the portobello’s are done when they shrink and flatten. Be sure to add your cheese so it has time to melt, here I used provolone.

Buon Appetito!
I need to make some of those the next time I have friends over for diner. Nothing like hamburgers and wine, lol.
Hi Marie!
I’ve actually used Portobellos lightly grilled as the hamburger bun when we were on a low carb diet!
I love them, and the new “baby portobellos” too!
This is exactly the sort of thing that I love to have for dinner in the summertime!
BTW… I love the new look of your site. I’ve been away so I’ve missed the changes!
That looks really scrummy!!
That melting provolone cheese looks delicious. Yum!
I know I am going to get a lashing for this one, but this is how we felt….. a while back, the family and I went on a vegetarian venture. The first night I served these burgers and you’re right we did not miss the meat….if vegetarian eating was always this good, we would still be, but alas……we are carnivores by nature!!!!
I really like the sound of these portobello burgers! Those ciabatta rolls look great! Nicely toasted!
You know how to do it, Marie! How lucky your family is! This burger looks amazing. My husband recently got a new grill; we ought to try this.
Hi Rachel, I hope you do!
Dee, The flavors would be just as good!
Stacey, Let me know how it turns out.
Hi Gloria, Thank you dear!
Hi Michelle, Portobello’s are so “meaty” tasting, I hope you try them as burgers.
Darius, This is a nice alternative.
Val, Why not?
Maryann,How bout some of your tiramisu? Big hugs to you!!
Hi Katie, Welcome! Basil would be great too! I was in the mood for arugula, but I love basil too.
I’m a recent new reader and I just love your blog and your photos!
I bet fresh basil would be excellent on these burgers instead of arugula!
Yo Marie!
These look awesome. Nice and juicy! What’s for dessert? 😉
Big hug!
Maryann xox
You are making me very hungry over here….could I have a portobello burger for breakfast I wonder:D
Yup – this definitely sounds good and looks good – I’m just not a mushroom guy…give me beef and I’d totally do this – lol. Medium-well, of course.
I’ve always wanted to try making a portobello burgers, but never knew what flavors to pair with them. I like this olive oil, basil and marinara idea – sounds like the perfect summer meal.
Marie, these are absolutely yummy!!! and your pictures look wonderful!!!xxGloria
I am excited to make this for my vegetarian friends coming over for a bbq this weekend! Thanks for the great recipe!
Stacey Snacks
Mmm… portobellos, provolone – I’ll even skip the bun!
ooooooooo gorgeous!!!! I’ve only just started to like mushrooms again and can’t get enough of them!!! Saw portobellos in our local market today actually, must go back tomorrow and get them and make this!! Divine!!!
Laurie, You’re too sweet!!!
Bridgett, You like that bread huh? so do we!
Ohio, If you love portobello’s you’ll love this.
Lisa, I hope you do.
Knitting, I hope you do.
Deeba, The flavored oil kicks it up a notch! 🙂
Hi Elizabeth, Thanks!
Glam,It’s so good! really!
Lori Lynn, Grilled tomatoes are great, you just have to cut them a little thicker.
Faery, Thanks sooo much!
Desi, I hope it all works out!
Michelle, and Kate, Come on by I’ll grill one up for you!
Jo, UJ would never even miss the meat!
Paula, I hope you do!
Thanks Jenny!
Aggie, Welcome! I hope you get a chance to try this!
Ohio, Wow, that was fast! I’m so glad you like it!
Kathy, Good for you! enjoy!
Anne, It must be fate!
Marla, Thank you, Hope you’re enjoying your summer!
Everything looks so tempting! Yummmmm
Funny that I should come across your blog and this post. I spotted some Portobella mushrooms in our supermarket tonight and bought them, they look so tasty!!
Marie, These burgers look delicious and we love ciabatta, I think I know what’s for dinner tonight haha. Kathy.
I just wanted to stop by and tell you that I had this for lunch today and it was beyond fabulous! I pinched off a piece of my 5-minute artisan bread and baked a small roll, just grilled the veggies on top of the stove with my grill pan.
This looks so good! I love portobellos, and they way you’ve put your “burger” together is perfect! Can’t wait to try this!
Looks fantastic to me Marie! I am all about burgers, I’ll have to try the portobello. Great pics!
Oh, yum, yum, yum! I love everything about this … the grilled mushrooms, onions, tomatoes, herb oil, cheese and ciabatta rolls. I’ve not grilled tomatoes like this before, and once my garden tom’s decide to turn red, you can bet I’ll give this a try!
Portobello is a nice alternative to beef or those meatless veggie (and tasteless, in my opinion) burgers. I think I read somewhere that portobello mushrooms have a bit of protein too.
Your pictures, by the way, look terrific!
i dont have anything else to say but …yum !!! gimme that now !
Mmm…I’ll take two. At least 😉
What a yummy burger!
Thanks a lot for your words, I’m glad that someone else realized how happy I was and that I was sincere. I don’t know what will he decide, but I’m not in a very positive mood…I only hope and pray.
A big kiss and I’m glad to have friends like you here, thanks again and have a nice day!!!
This most be delicious as all the dishes that come from your kitchen.
I have a present for you in my blog, please come see.
Marie – I have been grilling eggplant for the last few nights, and paired with tomato in the dishes, but it never occurred to me to grill the tomato too. You are a genius girl! You inspire me…
Now thats an appetizing portobello burger!
Looks great – and I love the picture!
YUM YUM Marie…my kinds food that’s fast & delicious & veggie too. Flavoured oil makes it even better…YUM!
This looks fantasic!!! Love anything with portobella mushroom.
This I will most likely try soon! We grill almost everynight.
Thanks for stopping by the other day.
When I saw “burger” I thought oh no I don’t eat beef anymore, and then I saw the wonderful burger you created, big YUM! I love portbellos, and this for me is the perfect burger.
Beautiful photo …
I love portabella burgers (even more than beef burgers!). Yours looks wonderful. I think I’m going to have to buy some tomorrow!
This is better than any fast food! I love the meaty flavor of portobellos but the grilled bread nearly sent me over the edge. This looks fantastic for dinner.
I love meatless burgers.. this looks wonderful!
Now on to your photo’s.. excellent Marie! The top is beautiful, it has great color balance! Cook book quality..really! 🙂