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Sometimes I just don’t have the time to slow cook a chicken for some great homemade soup. But yet when it’s cold outside that’s exactly what I want! We just had 6″ of snow drop on us with more to follow this weekend.
Yaay some may say…not me! The older I get the less I like winter, but I guess I better grin and bare it because it’s only the beginning!So with that being said, here’s my quickie roasted chicken noodle soup.

Warm and comforting  just like you simmered it for hours, but in reality, it only it took 20 min’s.

The key ingredient is this roasted chicken, that I threw in the oven along with something else I was making the other day, you know, like 2 meals in one! Seasoned with lots of thyme, salt and pepper and olive oil. Actually, it’s the seasonings that makes the soup tastes so good. Now if you don’t have the time to roast some chicken, buy a rotisserie chicken at your favorite grocery store, it works just as well.

Then I simply just shred all the chicken up and stick it in my fridge until I’m ready to make the soup.

Take out your favorite soup pot and add a little olive oil in there. Next sauté 3 cloves of garlic, 3 or 4 diced carrots, 3 or 4 stalks of celery and 1 large onion, sprinkle with thyme, salt and pepper.

Add in some great boxed, organic, low sodium chicken broth like the one from Trader Joes, or Costco( or any of your favorites) and a sprinkling of fresh parsley. I used. almost 2 quarts.

In addition to that I always throw in a couple of Parmesan rinds that I always keep on hand in my freezer, it takes the broth to another level, then just toss in your shredded chicken.

I always cook my egg noodles or pasta on the side and add them into the bowl as needed, otherwise they tend to blow up from sitting in the hot broth too long.

And of course, you must top it off your steaming hot bowl of soup with some freshly grated Parmesan or Romano cheese.

Another quick meal for this busy time of year!!

Buon Appetito!

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Italian Sauces My Way E-Book


  1. Hi bc! Thank you and welcome! I’m going to pay a visit to you too!!

  2. What a delicious and appropriate meal for this time of year.

  3. Leomemorial, stop by anytime!

    Maryann, I think my sleigh riding days are over!! I don’t want to end up in a pricker bush!! (ha ha)

    Val, a hot bowl of soup always warms me up!

    Katie, Hi, good to hear from you!

    Lori lynn, Hi, I grew up with grated cheese in my soup, it’s just not the same without it!

    Lor, Sorry you don’t get snow there. I’d be happy to send you some!!

  4. There has been a storm here for the last week so the weather has been horrible, stuck indoors by the fire!! This soup is perfect for this weather:) Give me snow anyday, we never get it here:(

  5. Sounds delicious. I never thought of adding Parm to my chicken soup, why not? I will try that. Stay warm…

  6. I love chicken soup. We make it a lot…and I totally agree about the noodles blowing up. We just make sure we can eat it all before adding them!!

  7. What a perfect and quick meal for a weeknight dinner.Can’t wait to get some soup into me!!!

  8. Great idea, Marie. Gotta have that grated cheese sprinkled on top! We only had about 3 inches of snow but I love it. Stop being a snow grump and go sleigh riding! hahaha I did that last year and ended up in a pricker bush (oouwwweeeee!)

  9. I gained 5 pounds just reading this blog.

    Great job!! When’s dinner!??! 😉

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